Give children A smile A future

The association
,,A smile for Ghana e.V.“

"Ein Lächeln für Ghana e.V." is committed to helping children and their single mothers in the region of Kumasi in Ghana.

The "Peace and Love International School", a primary school, has already been renovated and now a new school is being built where the children will also be able to attend secondary school and graduate.

Support us in our mission to bring a smile to the children's faces and make a happier future possible.

Education is the key

We truely believe that the structural difficulties in Kumasi can only be resolved by education. By supporting ´the love and peace International School´ we have made it our mission to create acces to schooling/education for children and in this case in particular for girls. We want to avoid girls being pushed to the edge of society and we support integration by education.

Achievements and goals

The Problem
Due to the many families affected by poverty in Kumasi, many children are unable to go to school because of the school fees.
The association provides school sponsorships for 20 children. These include school fees and two meals a day.
Sponsorships for all approx. 560 children who will be able to attend the Peace & Love International School once the new school building is completed.
for single mothers
The Problem

Girls often become pregnant at a young age and therefore live with very limited resources.

We therefore support single mothers in Kumasi with donations in kind, such as clothing, toys and household appliances.
Short-term: Cover the shortage of everyday materials. Long-term: Prevent unwanted and premature pregnancies through access to education.
School equipment
The Problem
Not only the new school building but also the equipment of the classrooms must be financed by donations.
Thanks to your help, we have so far been able to purchase a school bus, employ 5 teachers and the principal, and completely renovate and equip some rooms in the old school building.
To fully equip all 18 new classrooms with school materials, 18 teachers and a new, larger school bus.
New school building
The Problem
The structure of the existing building repeatedly pushes us to our limits.
With around 15,000 euros raised through donations, some steps such as the three phases of the foundation of the new building have already been made possible.
A new building is to be erected to accommodate 18 classes with 31 children each. This will finally make it possible to teach older students.

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Bruchstraße 29, 45468 Mülheim an der Ruhr  | Phone: +49 208-7405099 | Email: info (at) | Legal notice | Privacy policy | Statutes

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